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Thursday 6 February 2014

Lists of diseases

Assalamualaikum all.

Macam mana hari ni, semua sihat?? Ada yang demam x?? Sakit apa2 kea?? Harap2 x ada laa yea... Aamiinn, in-Sya Allah.

Haa, hari nie... di pagi ini, cik blogger nak share info berguna sikit untuk korang2 semua y minat membaca dan menulis tuu.

Y minat membaca, x semestinya x perlu tahu mengenai jenis2 penyakit nie... dan y minat menulis x semestinya dah tau atau sedar tentang kewujudan penyakit2 nie... ataupun jenis2 treatment y seangkatan dgn IUI, IUV, sumer nie... so, kat sini ada sedikit info tentang tu...

A lists of diseases and disorders in human...

Abruptio placenta : bleeding from the placenta causing its complete or partial detachment from the uterine wall after 24th week of gestation. Abruptio placentae is often associated with hypertension and preclampsia.

ADA (adenosine deaminase deficiency) : a genetic disorder characterized by a defect in the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA), which is involved in purine metabolism. Deficiency of this enzyme results in damage to the antibody-producing lymphocytes, which leads to severe combined immune deficiency (SCID)

ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) : a mental disorder, usually of children, characterized by a grossly excessive level of activity and a market impairment of the ability attend, resulting in aggressive disruptive behaviour. Treatment can involve drugs (such as methylphenidate) and behaviour therapy.

AIH (artificial insemination) : an instrumental introduction of semen into the vagina in order that a woman may conceive. The semen specimen may be provided by the husband (AIH - artificial insemination by husband) in cases of erectile dysfunction or by an anonymous donor (DI - donor insemination), usually in cases where the husband is sterile.

Asperger's syndrome : a mild form of autism characterized by aloofness, lack of interest in other people, stilted and pedantic styles of speech, and an excessive preoccupation with a very specialized interest (such as time-tables). [H. Asperger (1906-80), Austrian paediatrician]

ATLS : advanced trauma life support, which comprises the treatment programmes for patients who have been subjected to major trauma (e.g. serious road traffic accidents, missile injuries). Doctors, nurses, and paramedical personnel involved in ATLS receive special training for dealing with such emergencies.

just some info to be shared with all...

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